
About me

Dr. Israfil Shaheen

Dr. Israfil Shaheen (Mohammad Israfil) (b.1964) is a director based in Bangladesh and a Professor at the Department of Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Dhaka. After completing his undergraduate studies in Political Science from University of Dhaka, Dr. Israfil pursued MA in theatre direction from National School of Drama, India. In 1999, Dr. Israfil was conferred PhD by Rabindra Bharati University for his research titled “Street Theatre of India and Bangladesh: Politics and Poetics of Performance.” Dr. Israfil served the Department of Theatre and Performance Studies as its Chair from 2006 to 2009. In a long career as a trainer, academic mentor, and creative director, he taught at different universities and conducted numerous workshops on theatre and performance at various cultural institutions in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Bhutan, South Korea, China, Russia, UAE, USA and United Kingdom, Egypt, Philippines, Spain, Italy, Poland, France, and Czech Republic.

Munir Choudhury Padak 2017

About the award

Dr. Israfil Shaheen, director and professor of the department of theatre and performance studies of Dhaka University, was honoured with prestigious award ` Munier Choudhury Padak 2017’ for his contribution to theatre activities and studies in Bangladesh. The award giving ceremony that marked late playwright Munier Choudhury’s 92nd birth anniversary was held at National Art Gallery Auditorium of BSA on November 27, 2017 where premier’s international affairs advisor Professor Dr. Gowher Rizvi was present as the chief guest.

Around the World

Workshops, Seminars & Consultations

He has participated in several international theatre festivals, workshops, seminars and conferences as a jury, director, lecture demonstrations and Instructor. He has conducted numerous Workshops on Theatre in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Bhutan, South Korea, China, Russia, UAE, USA and United Kingdom, Egypt, Philippines, Spain, Italy, Poland, France, Czech Republic and many other countries.


Seminar at Shanghai Theatre Academy, China.


Master Class at Russian Institute of Theatre Arts (GITIS), Moscow, Russia.


Department of Theatre & Performance Studies, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, West Michigan, USA.


National School of Drama, New Delhi, India.


Seminar at International Theatre Festival for youth, Sharm EL Sheikh, Egypt.


Conducted workshop at Network for higher education in Performing Arts, Spain.


Prominent Directorial Works

The word from

Dr. Israfil Shaheen

In volutpat vehicula iaculis. Nullam dapibus velit vel suscipit malesuada. Morbi tincidunt, dui tristique tincidunt faucibus, purus sapien consectetur libero, vitae venenatis eros lacus vitae erat. Mauris tristique pretium tristique. Integer at nulla at eros suscipit suscipit vitae nec diam. Nullam dictum sed metus nec mollis. Vivamus id consectetur mauris. Praesent dui purus, interdum eget urna nec, mollis condimentum magna.

In aliquet quis magna in placerat. Suspendisse nec efficitur purus. Curabitur vitae congue urna. Donec nec finibus orci, at luctus nisi. Donec nulla felis, auctor ac lacus et, varius congue leo. Donec eu tempor purus.

Vivamus id consectetur mauris. Praesent dui purus – interdum eget urna nec!


Department of Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Dhaka.
Dhaka, Bangladesh.



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    Department of Theatre and Performance Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.

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